Sunday 17 July 2011

I am Fasshonisuta

Coco Chanel’s iconic words, "Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman" echo in my mind as a write the first entry of my blog today. I first heard these words uttered by Sigourney Weaver in the film Working Girl years and years ago, and the quote has become rooted in my mind.

I would say that to dress shabbily can’t be as easily assessed as it was in Coco’s golden age of fashion. 

As a 22 year-old woman my experience as a student screams that fashion is much more quirky, versatile and relaxed…even shabby. For example blogs like the intriguing Man Repeller embody just how extremely innovative student fashion can be…almost to the point of being obnoxious!

Today in the UK students are the frontrunners of shabby-chic and have an aura of unkempt perfection about their style. 

Holes and unwashed hair joy

Therefore in rebuttal to Coco Chanel’s words, this blog will provide an insight into this innovative trend of unkempt perfection, and focus upon both the shabby and the impeccably dressed individual.
To specify further, this blog will pinpoint fashion in China, as my travels as a recent graduate reading Chinese Studies and English Language are taking me, yet again, to the wonderfully weird Far East.

She has a scythe

This blog was created and named (the Japanese word for a woman “who is obsessed with fashion”) to simply illustrate and ponder the style choices of the everywoman. I do not aim to be pretentious or overbearing, I hope to write as a find, and give readers a glimpse of Chinese life, culture and the rather unseen everyday Chinese fashion…And, ponder other bits and bobs of interest along the way.

I arrive in Shanghai this coming Thursday and from there my travels and ponderings of Chinese life and the fashion world will continue for two months. I will travel to the North and South, visiting China’s less-urban vestiges, to give readers- hopefully- a rather unique visual and literary commentary of the East- Asian everywoman.

XieXie for reading and I hope to entertain and enlighten you with further musings of the unseen side of Chinese fashion.

Love Fasshonisuta. xx

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